Pros and Cons about Full Day School

           Full day of school is the concept of a full day of learning at school. Some schools in Indonesia has been implementing this concept of the various levels education ranging Play Group to High School. Full day school reap the pros and cons among the people, many opinions expressed positive and negative sides.            On the positive sides, the FDS emphasis on in-depth mastery of the subject matter to students. The goal for increasing student understanding and value is always good.
            Not only that, parents do not need to fear the negative association in children. During ­­­­­­­a full day, children will be educated and supervised by a complement teacher. FDS tipically use IQ test in the selection of new admissions.
            Full day school has an active teacher and professional in teaching. Teachers are required provide a comfortable learning environment for children so that children motivated to learn.
            In addition to the positive side, the FDS has the disadvantage that the child will quickly get bored, because a full day in the environment of the school, meet quite a lot the subject matter, the child will easily stressed.
            Child playing time will be reduced. FDS also reduced the socialization of children with families and neighborhoods as neighbor. As a result, the child will become arrogant and less able to socialize well.
            In conclusion, the FDS is good for the child’s development will be controlled. But somehow the child needs to socialize with family and the environment around them in order to be a sociable person.


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